Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

Yes, another year has come for me to celebrate. My DH took me to dinner in Cambria, that is a sweet place to go. We found a small but quaint restaurant along Moonstone beach. My DH does not like to adventure far from the same old same old, but this turned out to be now one of his favorite places to eat. It is a little pricey but good.

We splurged on dinner and I ordered a delish chocolate torte. I was so full from my dinner (I ate 1/2 of it) but I had to have a little chocolate. After all it was my special day!!! Ha...count the calories later right!!! This week I feel I have had too many desserts. I digress. We had a nice quiet evening. Another year under my belt.

How on to Valentines Day. I really must get some jewelry together for the big "Love" day!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gardein to OJ

A new year and new jewelry. Check out the crocheted bracelets on my website.
Ok, so like so many I wanted to lose some that fat that has been hanging around for a decade now. I was going to eat healthy tonight using the new Gardein product I heard about on Oprah and the Healthy Voyager. Not tonight, DH is bring home a veggie pizza. I know, I know, I don't have to eat it. But who can turn down a pizza. Besides I won't have to cook!!! woohoo. Not a good night to be having pizza. I go to the doctor and you all know they like to know you weight. So how come they don't want to know my height. LOL

Today was warm here in CA. 70 degrees. Unlike the rest of the country. Florida is getting pounded with cold weather. There goes the prices for Florida OJ.

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